Conservatives across Montgomeryshire are today celebrating another huge electoral achievement. Following on from the surprise win of Glyn Davies at the General Election, Russell George has this time ousted the Liberal Democrats in what is usually one of the safest Liberal Democrat seats in Wales.
In a swing of 9.5% from Liberal Democrats to Welsh Conservatives, Russell mounted up a 2,300 majority and the votes of over 10,000 people.Paying tribute to his fellow candidates, Russell congratulated them on a well-fought campaign before thanking his family and his campaign team for their "amazing" work and support.
"It is a privilege to be able to represent Montgomeryshire." said Russell George. "For too long Montgomeryshire has been overlooked by the Welsh Assembly Government. We need proper representation in order to make our voices heard on issues such as wind farms and traffic, and I feel honoured that the people of Montgomeryshire have decided that I am the right person to do that."
Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies, recovering from a minor back operation, was also on hand to provide his support and to congratulate Russell on this historic victory.
A celebration party afterwards at the Conservative Office continued into the early hours of the morning, before Russell and his supporters retired to bed for a well-deserved rest.